Notice: This is one of the multi-post series of Learn Solidity - Build Decentralized Application in Ethereum. This is an attempt to teach you all about Solidity - A Programming Language for Ethereum Based Smart Contracts. If you want to take this as a video course please signup using below button.
pragma solidity 0.4.8;
* @title A Simple Example
* @author Toshendra Sharma
* @notice Example for the Solidity Course
// There are some cases where exceptions are thrown automatically.
// Otherwise You can use the throw instruction to throw an exception manually.
// The effect of an exception is that the currently executing call is
// stopped and reverted. It means all changes to the state and balances are undone
// and the exception is also “bubbled up” through Solidity function calls
// when exceptions are send all the low-level functions call, delegate calls and call code,
// will return false.
// It is interesting to note that Catching exceptions is not yet possible.
// Lets see an example, to know how a throw can be used to easily revert
// an Ether transfer and also how to check the return value of send.
contract Sharer {
function sendHalf(address addr) payable returns (uint balance) {
if (!addr.send(msg.value / 2)) // send half of the ether to the addr mentioned in the call.
throw; // here throw is a User Generated Exception and it also reverts the transfer to Sharer
// assert(condition) can also generate a User Exception
return this.balance;
// Currently, Solidity automatically generates a runtime exception in the following situations:
// If you access an array at a too large or negative index (i.e. x[i] where i >= x.length or i < 0).
// If you access a fixed-length bytesN at a too large or negative index.
// If you call a function via a message call but it does not finish properly
// (i.e. it runs out of gas, has no matching function, or throws an exception itself),
// except when a low level operation call, send, delegatecall or callcode is used.
// The low level operations never throw exceptions but indicate failures by returning false.
// If you create a contract using the new keyword but the contract creation does not
// finish properly (see above for the definition of “not finish properly”).
// If you divide or modulo by zero (e.g. 5 / 0 or 23 % 0).
// If you shift by a negative amount.
// If you convert a value too big or negative into an enum type.
// If you perform an external function call targeting a contract that contains no code.
// If your contract receives Ether via a public function without payable modifier
// (including the constructor and the fallback function).
// If your contract receives Ether via a public getter function.
// If you call a zero-initialized variable of internal function type.
// If a .transfer() fails.